There's a saying that if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. I think I gave him a good belly laugh when I laid out my plans for my post-wrestling life.
I wanted to push pause on my involvement in pro wrestling to not only attend to some family obligations but to write, travel, cross some items off my bucket list, and attend copious amounts of concerts and UT sporting events. While Covid allowed me ample time to write and publish my first book, it royally screwed every other aspect of my plans.
Here's the thing. I'm learning that writing the book is only half the battle. Like recording artists, you have to tour to "support the album", so to speak. Doing signings at little book shops for ten people is part of the paying your dues process, which is something I can relate to.
Then there's the networking events like Malice Domestic, BoucherCon, and Sleuthfest that I looked forward to attending in 2021. Events for the first half of the year appear to be going "virtual" and that isn't my thing. I'm praying that BoucherCon, set for New Orleans in August, happens live & in person, although I am not overly optimistic.
Currently, the sequel to "Dead Man's Breath" is in the editing and rewrite stage that could take anywhere from a month to forever. I confess that I am in no hurry to release it. In a perfect world, I would say April would be a safe bet for its availability, but as we all know, the world is far from perfect, especially right now. I am taking a wait-and-see approach to things, hoping beyond hope that things improve sooner rather than later.
Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you soon.